


Office hours:

Course Description:

Writing for the Sciences’ primary purpose is to help students better understand the principles of reading and writing in the sciences. 210.03 will also give students practice of some of the specific forms and techniques used in scientific disciplines. Students will accomplish this by becoming engaged, analytical readers of scientific papers; translating the material for use by specific public audiences; and working with other scientific writing and by considering and questioning scientific methods, and the epistemology and nature of inquiry. Students will learn that science writing is an act of communicating ideas to those in their field and to the general public. A passing grade (not Incomplete) in Engl. 110, FIQWS, or an equivalent will meet the prerequisite requirement.

Course Learning Outcomes:

Over the course of the semester, you will

  1. acknowledge your and others’ range of linguistic differences as resources, and draw on those resources to develop rhetorical sensibility
  2. enhance strategies for reading, drafting, revising, editing, and self-assessment
  3. negotiate your own writing goals and audience expectations regarding conventions of genre, medium, and rhetorical situation
  4. develop and engage in the collaborative and social aspects of writing processes
  5. engage in genre analysis and multimodal composing to explore effective writing across disciplinary contexts and beyond to include public audiences
  6. formulate and articulate a stance through and in your writing
  7. practice using various library resources, online databases, and the Internet to locate sources appropriate to your writing projects
  8. strengthen your source use practices (including evaluating, integrating, quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing, synthesizing, analyzing, and citing sources)


Student Support Services:

Gateway Advising Center, NAC 1/220

Students without a declared major can receive academic advising, especially if you have questions about your course of study, core requirements, etc.

AccessAbility Center Tutoring Services, NAC 1/218

Provides one-on-one tutoring and workshops to all registered students with learning or physical disabilities.

SEEK Peer Academic Learning Center, NAC 4/224

Phone: 212-650-5786; email: [email protected]

Offers counseling and peer tutoring for students in need of academic and financial support who have registered for the SEEK Program.

Special Needs and Accommodations

For a complete list of Student Support Services please check the college website.

City College Writing Center

The City College Writing Center offers one-on-one assistance for students working on writing assignments and projects from any discipline. Visit us whenever you need someone to listen to your ideas, discuss your topics or assignments, and read your drafts. Writing consultants will work with you on planning, drafting, and revising — all of the important steps in your writing process. For more information (location, hours, walk-in policy, etc) and to make an appointment visit, the website.

Assignment Grade Weights:

Rhetorical Analysis (of a public awareness campaign, or other scientific source): 15%

Literature Review (builds into collaborative research): 15%

Collaborative Research Project (either children’s book or public awareness campaign): 25%

Reflective Blog Posts: 10%

Digital Portfolio and Reflection Essay: 20%

Participation (Attendance, Punctuality, Preparation, In-class Writing): 15%

Late Assignment Policy:

Deadlines are critical for all writers, so I will expect to receive your assignments on time. Grades for late assignments are deducted 10 points for every class period they’re late. If you would like to request an extension for an assignment please reach out to ask for one in at least three days prior to the deadline.

Grading Scale:

A+ 97-100 %
A 93-96 %
A- 90-92 %
B+ 87-89 %
B 83-86 %
B- 80-82 %
C+ 77-79 %
C 73-77 %
C- 70-72 %
D 60-69 %
F < 60 %